HexGaming at Tokyo Game Show 2024

HexGaming at Tokyo Game Show 2024

We were thrilled to participate in the Tokyo Game Show 2024, which took place from September 26th to September 29th at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. It was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our latest innovations and connect with the passionate gaming community. The excitement was palpable, and we are incredibly grateful for the amazing support we received from everyone who visited our booth.


New Product Highlights: Phantom's Official Debut

At TGS, we brought not only our familiar favorites like the Ultra X, Ultimate, Rival Pro, and Rival controllers but also introduced an exciting new member to the HexGaming family: the PHANTOM Controller. This was its first-ever offline debut, and we were thrilled to share it with the Tokyo Game Show audience.


The PHANTOM Controller comes with a range of innovative features designed to enhance the gaming experience:

  • Hex Hall Effect Joysticks & Calibration Tool Box
  • Standard Potentiometer Joysticks & DRIFIX Module
  • Trigger Stops Mechanism
  • 4 Mappable Back Buttons
  • 6 Switchable Profiles
  • 8 Interchangeable Joysticks
  • Premium No-Slip Grips
  • Adaptive Triggers & Micro Switch Hair Clicky Triggers
  • Bluetooth Wireless and USB Connection


Many gamers were left in awe of the PHANTOM 's capabilities, and we received numerous compliments about its comfort, design, and performance.


Special Guest: KOTA YAMAJI – The Artist Behind「Good Dreams」Custom Controller

We were honored to have a special guest at our booth: Kota Yamaji, the artist behind our Good Dreams collaboration controller. Kota-san was on-site to sign controllers, adding a personal touch for lucky fans. It was a unique opportunity to meet the creative mind behind the artwork and engage with fans in a meaningful way.


Activities: A Fun Showdown and Lucky Draws

This year, we organized some exciting activities to engage our gamers:

eXtremeRate vs. HexGaming – Which Will You Choose?

We asked gamers: would they prefer to customize their controllers with eXtremeRate parts, or opt for a fully custom-built elite controller from HexGaming? The results were interesting: eXtremeRate garnered 463 votes, while HexGaming had 328 votes. While eXtremeRate came out on top, we’re grateful to every gamer who participated and voted at the event. It was a fun and friendly competition, and we look forward to next year’s challenge!


Limited-Time Lucky Draw – A Thank You to Our Fans

As a token of our gratitude for the amazing support, we hosted an exciting lucky draw for gamers. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as attendees eagerly hoped to win exclusive prizes. The turnout was beyond our expectations, and we were absolutely delighted to see so many gamers immersed in the excitement of the event.


Thank you to everyone who joined us at Tokyo Game Show 2024! 

As the event wraps up, we want to express our sincere appreciation to all who visited our booth, tested our controllers, and participated in our activities. We’re also deeply grateful to our dedicated Hex gamers who couldn’t attend in person but supported us online. Your ongoing enthusiasm and engagement truly inspire us, and we’re excited to bring even more innovations to future events.

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